
A river of History, Landscapes and Biodiversity

The Alto Noce River Park is an instrument to manage protected areas, the Noce River in Val di Sole and its tributaries: Vermigliana, Rabbies e Meledrio.
It is created in 2015 following the Agreement made by the Valle di Sole's Municipalities, the Valle di Sole's Community, the Asuc of Monclassico and Arnago, the Adige's BIM and the autonomous Province of Trento.
The River Park is an ecological natural connection between the Stelvio National Park- Trentino sector and the Adamello-Brenta Park. Thanks to its establishment, the Valle di Sole becomes The Parks' Valley accounting for 47% of the protected area.
The River Park includes the areas of main naturalistic interest of River Noce in Val di Sole: the Sites of Natura 2000 Network (Torbiera del Tonale, Ontaneta di Croviana-Rio Plaucesa and Mount Arnago), the local Reserves and the flow of Avisio stream, linked together by some surfaces acting as "ecological passage".
The aim of the River Park is to protect and to promote the area, the natural and historical patrimony of Alto Noce by developing sustainable economical activities for local communities and by promoting an environmental culture for all ages

(photo by Riccardo Meneghini)
(photo by Riccardo Meneghini)
(photo by Fabio Angeli)
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